
Class: com.microstrategy.web.app.taglibs.LoggingTag


This custom tag displays the required HTML and JavaScript code for being able to track down client rendering times and statistics for each one of the pages where this tag is included. These tags will not display any content if the Administrator of the application has not enabled client rendering logging on the application's configuration file. Examples of use of this tag include:
 <web:logging action="reset" runat="server" />
 <web:logging action="logTimes" runat="server" />

Name Required? Description
action true Indicates the type of action that will determine the content to display.
Possible action values include:
  • logTimes - Generates the code for allowing the page the client rendering times will be logged.
  • statistics - Displays the statistics information gathered from the page.
  • reset - Sets the page to an empty location.
  • results - Renders in a table the information gathered from the page that was just executed.
  • init - Initializes the logging statistics module.
  • displayMode false set the display mode used as the DisplayGuiComponent renders
    names false Indicates the names of all the components that were analized by the page (separated by commas).
    runat true Indicates that the ASP.Net control should be processed on the server
    times false Indicates the times recorded for each one of the components included on the names attribute (in the same order, separated by commas).
    url false Indicates the url that is being analyzed by the logging architecture.
    urlObjId false Indicates the identifier for the url, in the case of an automated test that hits the different url pages several times.